Breast modeling improves the breast shape. A women may desire this procedure after birth child and breast feeding, but also in menopause, when breast is getting lower and flat.
The surgery can improve breast shape as make its look younger, reduce areola or place it higher etc. The small price for having nice looking breast are the very small scars. These scars are placed in three possible places. Around areola, hidden in the edge between light and dark skin; in the crease where the breast meets the chest and vertical scar connecting lower edge of the areola with under breast crease.
The surgery is performed with a general anesthesia and duration is from 1 to 2 hours. Hospitalization time varies between 1 to 3 days. Most of the stitches are self absorbing and any remaining will be removed 10 to 14 days according to healing process. The second day after operation you will be able to have a shower only from abdomen down, and after 5 days there are no restrictions.
You will be given a surgical bra to wear for next 6 weeks, which will help to shape the breast to form requested. You can return to normal physical activity in 2 months. Depending on the level of activity required at your work, you should be able to return within 1 to 2 weeks, for example office work.